This Little Light of Mine

Last night I had the pleasure of playing bass with some great kids during their performance following a week of music camp at our church.  For the entire week these kids, 2nd – 5th grade, learned amazing music, learned new instruments, and even made their own drum to keep!  Their music was based on the five elements of the Old Testament, which was awesome.  I thoroughly enjoyed playing with them!

As the children sang their last song, “This Little Light of Mine,” an amazing thing happened.  Behind the kids were the huge stained-glass windows of the sanctuary and as they belted out the final verse to this song the sun shone brightly, all of a sudden, through these windows.  It was as if God flipped a switch on the sun and shone it at just the right time.  Honestly, I got a bit choked up when that happened and I don’t think I was the only one!  God’s light WAS shining through these kids, their words, and their spirit!  The sun coming through the stained-glass was just a reminder of what we were already experiencing!

I’ve been reading through Psalms recently, preparing for an upcoming youth series we are doing on the importance of worship.  These “songs” are amazing, beautiful, and are full of light and praise.  Even then, worship through song was so important as people of God.  Honoring our God with our voices, with our musical abilities, through beautiful lyrics is what we are called to do.  And, honestly, hearing children do that is especially beautiful.

I’m meditating on this for a while, looking for ways to incorporate this into my daily life.  If worship is what I do with my life and not just something I do on Sunday morning, how am I  worshiping God today?  With my voice?  Through praise?  Yea – I’m going to meditate on this.  And, if I’m doing this right, that “light” will shine through me, too! 🙂

About revmonica

I'm the Director of Growth Ministries at Williamsons Chapel United Methodist Church and the proud wife of Steve and mommy to Morgan and Gavin.
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